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BD Multi-Omics Publication list

2021-07-21 15:44:05


Title Journal  PubMed ID
Reliability of human cortical organoid generation Nature methods 30573846
Single-cell transcriptomics reveals the alteration of peripheral blood mononuclear cells driven by sepsis Annals of Translational Medicine 32175418
Microglial A20 Protects the Brain from CD8 T-Cell-Mediated Immunopathology Cell Reports 32023471
Brain transforms natural killer cells that exacerbate brain edema after intracerebral hemorrhage Journal of Experimental Medicine 32870258
Sustained IFN-I stimulation impairs MAIT cell responses to bacteria by inducing IL-10 Science Advances 32128419
A Targeted Multi-omic Analysis Approach Measures Protein Expression and Low-Abundance Transcripts on the Single-Cell Level Cell Reports 32268080
Single Cell RNA Sequencing in Atherosclerosis Research Ciruculation Research 32324494
20200713[Clin. Transl. Med.]Analysis of single-cell RNAseq identifies transitional statesof T cells associated with hepatocellular carcinoma Clinical and Translational Medicine 32659053
Severe COVID-19 Is Marked by a Dysregulated Myeloid Cell Compartment Cell 32810438
AbSeq Protocol Using the Nano-Well Cartridge-Based Rhapsody Platform to Generate Protein and Transcript Expression Data on the Single-Cell Level STAR Protocols 33000001
Single-Cell_Analysis_of_Different_Stages_of_Oral_Cancer Carcinogenesis in a Mouse Model international Journal of Moelcular Sciences 33142921
Longitudinal Multi-omics Analyses Identify Responses of Megakaryocytes, Erythroid Cells, and Plasmablasts as Hallmarks of Severe COVID-19 immunity 33296687
An Antibody Targeting ICOS Increases Intratumoral Cytotoxic to Regulatory T-cell Ratio and Induces Tumor Regression  Cancer immunology research  32999002
Single-cell transcriptomic analysis reveals key immune cell phenotypes in the lungs of patients with asthma exacerbation  Journal of allergy and clinical immunology   33039479
Single-cell analysis of developing and azoospermia human testicles reveals central role of Sertoli cells   Nature communications 33173058
Single-cell RNA sequencing of mouse neural stem cell differentiation reveals adverse effects of cadmium on neurogenesis  Food and Chemical Toxicology   33387572
Optimized workflow for single-cell transcriptomics on infectious diseases including COVID-19   Star Protocols   33377120
Circulating miRNA Spaceflight Signature Reveals Targets for Countermeasure Development    Cell Reports 33242410
Single-Cell Transcriptomic Landscape Reveals the Differences in Cell Differentiation and Immune Microenvironment of Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma Between Genders  Cell & Bioscience 33588924
Single-Cell Sequencing of Gliobastoma Reveals Central Nervous System Susceptibility to SARS-CoV-2   Frontiers in Oncology    33312949
Multi-omic, Single-Cell, and Biochemical Profiles of Astronauts Guide Pharmacological Strategies for Returning to Gravity   Cell Reports   33242408

BD RhapsodyTM Platform  : A complete Single-cell Multiomics solution

BD Rhapsody ™ 단일 세포 분석 시스템을 사용하면 수만 개의 단일 세포를 동시에 프로파일 링 할 수 있습니다. 표적 또는 전체 전사체 RNA 프로파일링과 함께 하나의  assay에서 100개 이상의 단백질을 프로파일링 할 수 있는 BD® AbSeq Oligonucleotide-Conjugated Antibodies 등 동일한 세포에서 광범위한 분자 레퍼토리를 분석 할 수 있습니다. 




































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